Wednesday, February 21, 2007


friendship. loyalty. dependability.

why is it that we give all to our friendships, our time, money, laughter and tears, when sometimes the other side hardly reciprocates? i spend HOURS upon HOURS doing little things for my friends, whether it be spending time with them when theyre sad, laughing for hours with them when we're happy, making surprises for them for no reason, losing sleep for them when they need to go somewhere early in the morning... but lately the most i've received back is a card saying thanks.

what does it mean to be a good friend? what does it take? and why do i always feel like im the chauffer instead of just the one at the wheel? don't get me wrong, im not complaining. i love my friends. but sometimes, i want at least a little bit back in return for everything i give. maybe it just the weather. we'll just have to see.

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